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  • Asia9Club online casino was founded in the year 2012. Asia9Club have aim to create the first class ... Malaysia online casino platform, training up elites to perform world-class services. Apart from that, we were achieved our first 1000 active members in year 2015. With our great efforts and promote our belief on "Customers are our Priority ", we score a absolutely fantastic growth rate which was 65% during the year.
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  • The team at Asia9Club is fully committed and dedicated to respecting as well as protecting the privacy of each Player. Asia9Club employs the use of cutting-edge technology to ensure that the ... security of information we receive from each Player will not be compromised. All information we receive is transferred using hack-proof encryption technologies. Once that information is once stored on our dedicated servers, all data is then safeguarded using the latest firewall software available. Our website and our gaming software utilize all available means to ensure the accuracy and privacy of data, as well as to protect the data from any abuse or loss.